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Writer's pictureDrew Maks.

Campaign Chronicle 1 - The City of Grizlock

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Welcome to the first installment of the Goblin Coast Campaign Chronicle! This is my personal summery log of the homebrew game I am running for my friends. If you want to read about what they’ve been doing in this sandbox style campaign you’re in the right place.

A Map of The Goblin City of Grizlock
A Colorful Map of the Goblin City of Grizlock

As our campaign begins, our first level player characters Provy, Glitz, and Judo started by exploring the Merchants Ward of Grizlock. They visited Marshtusk’s General Store (#6) and picked up a pair of tents, some water purification beads, and an Excavation Kit complete with everything need to hoist things large and small. Next they made their way to the Crystal Newt (#9), purveyors of fine scrolls and quality potions. They purchased a healing potion and eyed a mechanical hag vending machine that promised strange oddities for a steep price.

The trio continued to explore the city and eventually arrived to met with a flamboyantly dressed gnoll named Remmarar “Remmy” Thunderdance at the Pig’s Crown Saloon (#4). As a member of a local thieves guild Remmy came across some information about a poorly guarded chest of gold. The Razor Riders goblin gang stole a large and valuable chest from the Black Spore Wolves, another gang, and have it hidden at their camp. This weekend there is a festival and the Razor Rider’s will be leaving their camp unattended giving our party a chance to commit the heist. Remmy gave the adventure’s all the necessary details and the names of some people who could help them prepare and hide out afterward. They left the Saloon and headed for Remmy’s hobgoblin friend in the Stables Quarter (#10) who would barter a small cart and a pair of old mules for ridding his basement of some small pests.

After descending into the basement, however, the pests were revealed to be a group of young kruthiks CR 1/8 (MTF 211). The party slayed the terrible beasts with little effort and quickly discovered a hole were the kruthiks had entered the basement. Provy, Glitz, and Judo crawled down into the tunnel, lured by glinting coins. After crawling dozens of feet they entered a burrow filed with heaps of refuse and several more young kruthiks. After slaying the horrid creatures our first level characters, battered and bruised, felt the floor shift, and with a rumble, collapse out from under them.

They fell and were now trapped in a dark, dank, and dirty sewers of Grizlock. Pushing forward they were attacked again. This time by a pack of diseased giant rats CR 1/8 (MM 327). The already well wounded party just managed to kill these diseased giant rats but not before Provy, the dwarven fighter, went down.

Unconscious, but still alive, Provy was healed by Judo feeding him a potion of healing for 10 hp. Glitz used her rapier and roguish skill to finished off the final rat. Glitz was bitten though and after a failed saving throw began suffering from the rat's terrible disease making it impossible for her to regain hit points without magic.

Judo found some red magic snails which helped restore a couple of much needed hit points. Now faced with a large wooden door, Provy kicked it open to reveal a massive chamber filled with piles of treasure and the echoing snores of a red dragon sleeping on the hoard.

In Game Time: Thursday, April 17th 1120

The Goblin Coast Campaign is my weekly game of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. It’s a homebrew game for three players set in the tropical rainforests, swampy marshlands, and accursed bogs of the west Goblin Coast.

A fantasy wold map for table top RPGs designed and illustrated by artist Drew Maks.
Map of the World of Khloros, 2021 (Cropped)
“Long ago, Khlorós was broken in two. The land was torn apart and so too was the fabric of the planes. The many other planes of existence poured into Khlorós through the great rift. Strange peoples, weird magic, and alien beings intermingled with the civilizations of Khlorós creating a complex tapestry of interwoven cultures, shared histories, and diverse beliefs. Until, the gods sealed the rift and built a glittering bridge over the chasm reuniting the people. Since then the glorious ages of the bygone past have given way to the difficult and unforgiving existence lived by most of those inhabiting this world. A violent world of trouble rife with adventure and legends that tell of incredible wealth and unknowable power hidden in the deep reaches of Khlorós.”

It’s a fun and crazy mess of planar horrors and dwarves who smell strongly of cheese. Stick around, read some blog posts, and maybe get inspired. I’m happy to have you here and, as Mr. Rogers liked to say, “There is only one person in the whole world like you, and people can like you just because you’re you.” Thank you for being here and thanks for being you.

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